We’ve Moved!

You can now find FGCCFL’s site at new.fgccfl.net.

If your current bookmarks aren’t redirecting you automatically, please update them.

Fall Congress & Coaches’ Meeting

Welcome to the 2023-2024 competitive season!

Please find below the invitation to the Congress (-Only) Tournament & ALL Coaches Fall Meeting to be held at Pine View School on Saturday, September 9, 2023. Registration is now open on Tabroom and closes at 9pm on Thursday, August 31. Legislation templates can be downloaded from the Congress page on this site.

Any Coaches not bringing any Congress entries that day are still expected to be in attendance for the Coaches Meeting. The league will be purchasing coaches’ lunches that day. Read the invitation in its entirety and contact Jym Froelich if you have any questions or issues with the details of the event.

Excited to kick off the new year with you all!

Tournament Hosts Needed

Here’s an at-a-glance view of this year’s FGCCFL schedule:

You’ll immediately notice one glaring omission: there are no hosts for 8 of the 10 weekends’ dates.

Continue reading “Tournament Hosts Needed”

2023-2024 Membership Now Open

See the Membership link above for more information. The deadline for submission of forms and payment of fees is September 23.